Wednesday, August 27, 2008

We are going to do these tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

School days, school days grand old golden rule days......

Does anyone ever sing that anymore??? Maybe it is because we are all programmed to see rules as restrictions instead of guidelines for life.

Just look at society in general, there are NO real rules. Drive by a funeral home and check out how the mourners and those who are coming to pay their "respects" are dressed. I almost pointed my fingers at some "mourners" on more than one occassion, different people to be sure, because they emerged wearing jeans with the inseam at their knees, athletic style tank tops, cut off shorts...and the girls...oh dear! Even a MINI DRESS would have been more proper.

Watch the guests leaving a wedding and you'll see the same casual attire. No one wants to dress, really. It is commonplace in our area to go to the mall and see girls in pajama bottoms, tank tops (at least 2 sizes too small), uncombed hair, and fuzzy slippers on their feet. The new one was seeing the plus size, over 50, mama strut into the mall weaing shorts with the waistband tucked under here sagging belly, and her top baring her navel. HELLO!!! Hasn't anyone ever heard of a MIRROR!!!!!

Is it any wonder students fail, can't concentrate etc with all the crazy styles they wear these days. And just think, if they are dressing as I described for a solemn event, what do they wear for school???? Guys can't help but think the way they do, and the girls want the attention.

Golden rules no longer apply to schools, or anything else. A friend showed us a video clip from high school, public school. The children had their desks facing each other, were talking, and horsing around, oblivious to others in the room. I thought this was BEFORE class. Total shock: this was IN CLASS. Hmmmmm

Rules are not to inhibit us. They help us respect other people. They make us more pleasant to be around. They give us a framework of right and wrong. Even if you don't agree with a rule, it shouldn't be done away with. Most people don't want to go the speed limit, even with soaring gas prices, but we obey the law bcz there are consequences if we don't. And it isn't just getting a ticket, how 'bout accidents, how 'bout death...not just your own, but maybe your passengers, or a pedestrian, or someone in the car you plow into at 80MPH.

The saddest part is that we also do not dress up for church anymore. I'm not advocating donning wedding attendant level clothing, but khaki and denim skirts, t shirts, polo shirts, are pushing the envelope the other way. We need to dress as daughters of the king. If you were invited to meet a Queen or King, or the President, in person, would you throw on your everyday outfits--hoping no-one will notice the pills, stains, etc OR would you buy a new dress, sew a new one, or peruse the local thrift store for something special???? If you'd go to alot of trouble, so to speak, to meet another man/woman, why wouldn't you do the same to honor the LORD? SUNDAY BEST was a "rule" for reason. When you look better, dress your best, it is reflected in your smile, your eyes shine, and you might even have a little spring in your step because you don't have to think about the stains, or fuzzy pills, dressing up takes your focus off thinking about what people are thinking about you, in a bad way. (I realize this can go the other extreme w/young girls/teens especially, but the practical mammas among us need to take stock of how we look and how we make our HUSBANDS look.) A married woman who can afford better and chooses to wear shabby/shoddy, ugly, drab, worn,....first of all makes her husband look like he doesn't manage the family finances well and therefore is unable to provide for her and any children, and second your husband should keep his eyes on YOU, so your task is to dress in manner that keeps his eyes and thoughts on your, that he can't keep his eyes off you. Forget your figure flaws, and dress in colors your man likes, put on some pretty prints, or bright colors. All those drab colors, keep them for gardening, scrubbing floors, etc, but put on your lovely clothes, BUY or MAKE some if need be. The grand old days of women dressing feminine is gone, and we need to revive it in the body of Christ. ,