Goals! Goals! Goals! That is a catchword in the homeschool circus isn't it? THere are times when I wonder if we will ever achieve ANY of our goals beyond the "3 r's".
It seems like we never get to the extra's that are fun for us. For instance...candlemaking, soapmaking, papermaking, chocolate, coal, etc....because we are forever pressing forward to meet the laws requirements. It is so easy to get caught in the trap of fulfilling the legal stuff that people, OUR children, their hearts and spirits get lost in hte scuffle of it all. That is what I struggle with. I don't want them to grow up and resent being homeschooled or missing out on fun stuff that other people had time for and we didn't.
Schedules never work for us. We have tried over and over again to plan all this out and for whatever reason it never happens....I feel like the ringmaster of a circus, and that is NOT what I thought I signed up for when I became a homeschooling mom.
Perhaps it is simply pride that stresses me. Or comparing ourselves with others. Each family has to find it's own niche and pitch their tent where it fits for them.
Discontentment and frustration are born from coveting the life and things of others. Our pride is hurt when we fail. Even though God hates even a proud look, we still have that in us.
Each school day has to be approached as a fresh start, and given to God to orchestrate the events of the day. Not that we shouldn't plan things, but we need to be sensitive to God's leading and trust Him that when little Sam cuts his finger God allowed it for a reason, and when math takes 2 hrs. when we think it should only take 20 min. God knows that too. Maybe it was just to keep us a parents humble.
Homeschoolers tend to come off to other Christians, and the world as proud of what they do. Sometimes we wear our homeschooling like a merit badge on our puffed out chest. We forget that God led us to homeschool, and enables us to do it. Our haughty spirit is just what the enemy will use to discourage families who God is convicting about homeschooling. They might just be "turned off" by our attitude and refuse to obey God. They will give an account yes, and they will be sorrowful and wrong, but so will we.
Let's be sure to give honor to the LORD for His part in schooling our children at home.
Remember, Pride cometh before a fall..
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